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Indoor Air Quality monitoring in establishments open to minors, in the workplace and at home

Measuring indoor pollution and improving the air we breathe in homes, offices or establishments open to the public are some of our main concerns. A law has even made it compulsory for indoor air quality to be monitored in certain establishments open to a particularly sensitive public.

The solution

Vaqa’O and Vaqa’O+ are fitted with multiple sensors that measure the concentration of harmful chemical pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde, benzene, etc.

The Vaqa’O complies with the regulations that make Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring compulsory in certain establishments open to the public.

Benefits of this device:

  • Product rewarded with the “Lauréat INITIATIVE PME” (SME initiative prize) as part of a project run by the ADEME
  • Multi-measurement sensor: presence detection, temperature and humidity, luminosity.

IoT sensors for indoor temperature measurement