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Remote detection of smoke vents opening

Roof windows on buildings are an essential element of occupant safety. Whether they are smoke vents, roof vents or skydomes, a device designed to detect that they remain properly closed is essential.

The solution

Inclin’O used to remotely monitor the opening and closing of roof windows, roof vents, skydomes.

Benefits of this device:

  • Limits the risk of damage caused by bad weather.
  • Provides warning in case of access to a common area (roof).

Attached directly to the window (or to the frame), the sensor detects a change of position thanks to an embedded inclinometer and send an alert in the event of a variation.

Other possible applications of the sensor:

  • Detection of swinging movement (garage door) or displacement (e.g. emergency ladder).
  • Used in residential, industrial or tertiary buildings.


IoT sensors for the operation and maintenance of buildings