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Measuring electrical consumption via the LoRaWAN network

How to monitor and control the performance of cooling systems at any time?

The context

Service cooling consult is a company that deploys monitoring and control of the performance of cooling installations. This company had a technical need to measure electrical consumption. However, it did not have a solution identified.

Triphas’O installed at Service cooling consult

The solution

Watteco products have allowed Service cooling consult to recover :

  • The electrical power absorbed via TRIPHASO
  • The cooling power delivered by the installation via a MODBUS RS485
  • The efficiency of the installation (power produced / power absorbed)

All this information is sent via LoRa network on its platform and made available to the customer, allowing him to follow the efficiency of his installation.

Willy Delage, CEO of Service cooling consult, says: “Thanks to Watteco, I can implement a packaged solution for measuring energy consumption. I am satisfied with the business and the products. Beyond that, the difference is in the support that I find to be of high quality, responsive and providing a quality service. According to Willy Delage, the three words to describe Watteco would be: “Partnership, Service, Understanding”.

Watteco has developed a connected sensor called: Triphas’O. This sensor will allow you to target the consumption items, target the consumption of specific device, follow the electrical consumption of a building remotely.

The TRIPHAS’O sensor allows remote reading of electrical energy consumption of a three-phase (with or without neutral) or single-phase installation via LoRaWAN® network. In single-phase installation, it is used for sub-metering. The sensor is specially designed to meet the energy management needs of industrial and tertiary buildings, operating with medium and high power equipment and high energy consumption.

The Triphas’O solution:

The TRIPHAS’O sensor exists in 3 versions to meet the needs of electrical measurements:

  • With current transformers (opening – non intrusive) for low power: primary reference current: 0-60A or 0-400A.
  • With Rogowski loops (opening – non intrusive) for high power: primary reference current from 0 to 4000A.

The data extracted from Triphas’O can be used to monitor the consumption of your sites remotely but also to compare these consumptions between all these sites.

New frames are available:

  • Voltage, current, angle for all phases in one frame
  • Active/reactive energies for all phases in one frame
  • Active/reactive powers for all phases in one frame
  • Installation assistance via RS485 port

Indeed, because Watteco listens to the customer’s needs, we have developed many tools allowing you to freely install your devices.

  • The WATTECO support site is at your disposal to contact our support team and find all technical information on the product.
  • And especially for the Triphas’O, we have developed the Triphas’O Tool. It is a software making the installation of Triphas’O simplified. We have developed it so that you can check instantly the different measurements (without waiting for the LoRaWAN® feedback). Thanks to this tool, the data are sent in the second by the RS485 port. You will be able to install correctly this three-phase sensor in the first time! Triphas’O Tool is now available in the Download section on the watteco support site.

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